It is rewarding to see the Before and After photos.
It was nearly impossible to go up the stairs to my Studio.
The stairs had become shelves!
The Before photos
The ironing board was piled high with non-iorning items!
The floor was fast disappearing!
Everywhere I looked there was STUFF!
Altho' the Storage Shelves were somewhat organized they too needed editing. The bins of yarn were hard to get to and needed sorting as were the bins of fabric.
On to the After photos!
We worked on this space for two days and now I love my Studio again.
This is the wall of Storage Shelves and the yarn to the left of it where I can see each bin by color. The fabrics are to the left of the yarn, also sorted by color and drastically reduced in amount. Maybe I will be able to use all of the yarn and fabric!

My work table was clear and ready to use!

The shelves on the right under the table now have my box of most-used tool: pins, Needles, etc. The top shelf has Unfinished Projects. The bottom shelf has one bin of upcoming sewing projects on the left, in the right items of clothing that need attention.
At the End of the Day...
The back of my SUV was filled with bags of fabric, yarn and craft items to take to the thrift store, Second Glance where the proceeds with help fund our food pantry. Aslo bagged were fabric crapes that no longer are allowed in the trash pick up but are recycle by Second Glance.
We made an appointment at Second Glance to drop off the items at 2:00 pm the same day.
I still have a few more things to do but the bulk of the work in done.
I was able to gift wrap an item this morning, put the remaining supplies
back in their respective places and get on with the day.
Thank you, Katharine at Blue Ribbon Services!
PS: I am going to add a short step ladder to reach those items on the top shelves :)