Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Needle Case instructions...

Needle Case instructions

This easy-to make case would make the perfect gift for your knitting friends. It can be made with a small amount of fabric for just a few needles or larger for an entire collection.
Send an email to Annisquam Creations
Put Needle Case Instructions in the subject line.
I will email you a PDF that will print out on 8.5" x 11" paper. If you have any questions, please let me know.

In exchange for the instructions I would love your permission to add your email address to my growing list of people who are interested in a broad range of project, workshops and related events - sewing, cooking, gardening, knitting, candle-making, etc. 

You can unsubscribe any time. 


Friday, November 22, 2024

From the Garden: Herb Cleansing Bundles


Clearing your environment by burning herbs

Smoke cleansing is an ancient practice found in many cultures and faiths. Early written records of smoke cleansing come from the ancient Hindu texts written in Sanskrit. In the ancient world herbs were burned to create sweet-smelling smoke in their temples, homes and in the presence of illness. 

In New England local plant materials can be combined into a Smoke Cleansing Bundle.

Sage: Cleansing - Lavender: Calm - Rosemary: Clarity, memory, Cedar: Stress relief

More information:

Available at the
Annisquam Sewing Circle Christmas Fair
Saturday, December 7, 8:00 to noon
Annisquam Village Hall
34 Leonard St., Gloucester 01930


Saturday, November 16, 2024

What to do with all those knitting needles???


If you are not new to knitting you, most likely, have a collection of needles. My collection was in a canister that I had to dump out every time I needed to select a different size. 

If you would like the pattern please send an email to with Needle Case pattern in the subject line.


Monday, November 11, 2024

More Before and After Images of Studio Space...

It is rewarding to see the Before and After photos.

It was nearly impossible to go up the stairs to my Studio. 

The stairs had become shelves!


The Before photos

The ironing board was piled high with non-iorning items!

The floor was fast disappearing!
Everywhere I looked there was STUFF!
Altho' the Storage Shelves were somewhat organized they too needed editing. The bins of yarn were hard to get to and needed sorting as were the bins of fabric.

On to the After photos! 

We worked on this space for two days and now I love my Studio again.

This is the wall of Storage Shelves and the yarn to the left of it where I can see each bin by color. The fabrics are to the left of the yarn, also sorted by color and drastically reduced in amount. Maybe I will be able to use all of the yarn and fabric!

My work table was clear and ready to use!

The shelves on the right under the table now have my box of most-used tool: pins, Needles, etc. The top shelf has Unfinished Projects. The bottom shelf has one bin of upcoming sewing projects on the left, in the right items of clothing that need attention.

At the End of the Day...

The back of my SUV was filled with bags of fabric, yarn and craft items to take to the thrift store, Second Glance where the proceeds with help fund our food pantry. Aslo bagged were fabric crapes that no longer are allowed in the trash pick up but are recycle by Second Glance.

We made an appointment at Second Glance to drop off the items at 2:00 pm the same day.

I still have a few more things to do but the bulk of the work in done.

I was able to gift wrap an item this morning, put the remaining supplies back in their respective places and get on with the day. 

Thank you, Katharine at Blue Ribbon Services!





 PS: I am going to add a short step ladder to reach those items on the top shelves :)








Annisquam Creations Studio Makeover


When is it time to call a Professional Organizer?

My Studio had become unmanageable.I did not want go in the room. The stair were filling with more stuff. It was time for action. Katharine at Blue Ribbon Services came to guide me in the process. Making decisions to get rib of things is never easy, at least for me. i might need that someday. Well, it was tme to move things along. We have a wonderful organization here that has a thrift store. the proceeds help fund the food panty. a Win-Win.

#annisquam #annisquamcreations #professionalorganizer #BlueRibbonServices

Holy Toledo!!!

mess studio space

What a Mess!!!

My workspace became cluttered with an excessive amount of fabric, yarn, unfinished projects and ironing. Materials were accumulating faster than I could organize or use, leading to a chaotic environment that became imposible to work in. 
The best path forward was to call my Professional Organizer, Katharine at Blue Ribbon Services. Exhausting as it was to make so many decisions, Katharine made the process manageable.
  1. The first step was to take a few items out of the room to give us a space to work. 
  2. Then on to the supply wall. Many of the supplies were already sorted and labeled but needed to be reviewed and culled. 
  3. The next step was to locate items that would be used and moved out within the next couple of months. They were set aside.
  4. Next the crates were put back on the shelves with the heaviest on the floor, the most often needed at eye level, and the items that were only used once or twice a year on the top shelf. 

What a difference! 

The Storage Shelves


Storage shelves before organizing


Storage shelves after organizing

Now comes the hard part - 

How much fabric to keep and what to send to our wonderful  thrift store, Second Glance, that supports the food pantry. The fabrics were nearly all sorted by color in bins altho' there were some that had been put in a pile across the room. There were also piles under the work desk that needed to be addressed. If you are a sewer or crafter and have a stash of fabric you can understand how difficult this step is. How much white fabric does a body need??? The first day I could not begin to look at those so the lid went back on. Eventually we went through all the fabrics and, with Katharine's help, bags and bags of fabric were added to the donate pile. 

Next was the yarn - Again, much of the yarn was sorted in bins by color but there was far too much. I would not live long enough to use it all! All the acrylic was bagged and put aside for a local crafter who is always looking for yarn. Along the way little bits were culled and colors I would never use added to the bag for Second Glance and was labeled Crafts.

The projects on the work table that needed finishing were gathered up and put in a bin. Garments that needed to be hemmed of repaired were put in another on. With all the space that had been cleared below the work table there was now a place for these projects plus the storage box with pins, needles and tools. A promise to myself to finish there projects before starting another has been made. 
Katharine, Blue Ribbon Services, is going to check in with me to see how I am doing with that.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Halloween is Approaching


Blank Note Card for Halloween

For those moments when only your own words will do, these 5.5" x 4.25" folding, blank note cards offer the perfect canvas to express yourself. Part of a unique series, each card is crafted to let you convey your message, no matter the occasion.

  • Premium Quality: Printed on 64-pound cardstock, these cards have a luxurious feel and a professional finish, making each message feel special.
  • Convenient & Elegant: Each 5.5" x 4.25" card comes with a self-sealing envelope for easy, mess-free mailing.

Say exactly what you want with these versatile blank cards, perfect for any heartfelt note or quick thank-you.

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At the Annisquam Arts & Crafts Show 2024

Friday, October 11, 2024

Annisquam Arts & Crafts Show

Before the opening of the

2024 Annisquam Arts & Crafts Show

Each Season has it function here at the Annisquam Herb Farm, home of Annisquam Creations. In the Spring it is all about the gardens that are the source of raspberries, Concord grapes and figs for the preservers that are made in the Summer and Fall. Summer is for family and friends gathering and celebrating the warm weather and sunshine and tending the gardens. Fall the interests turn to Unfinished Projects - knitting, sewing and the ever present required maintenance. Winter is for reading, trying new recipes, more knitting and planning the gardens. The offerings at the Annisquam Arts & Crafts Show reflect all of these.

I have participated in this Show many years and have made friends with a few of the vendors that show up year after year with wonderful items to tempt one. Each year my items vary but include the preserves that fly off my table. this year there with over fifty new blank note cards to chose from plus hats from A Bee in Your Bonnet Collection.

What will next year bring?

PS: From Spring to October you will find some of the items at the Annisquam Exchange!


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Note Card - A Nod to Alexander Calder


A Nod to Alexander Calder

Blank note card -

  • 5.5” x 4.25” 65 lb. Card stock with self sealing envelop
  • $4 each
  • Available at the:
  • Click on links for days & times.
  • Order yt email:
    • Pay via Venmo or PayPal

Monday, September 9, 2024

Note Card - Annisquam Light & Beach


Annisquam Light & Beach

Blank note card -

  • 5.5” x 4.25” 65 lb. Card stock with self sealing envelop
  • $4 each
  • Available at the:
  • Click on links for days & times.
  • Order yt email:
    • Pay via Venmo or PayPal

"Grasses" Blank Note Card

 One is never too old to learn something new.   I am working on creating something every day toward an online business - maybe in card desig...